Smoking Cessation Service

Our Smoking Cessation Service is designed to help you quit smoking through expert advice and Nicotine replacement products.

Chickenpox Vaccine

Chickenpox is a common childhood infection. Usually, it’s mild and complications are rare. Almost all children develop immunity to chickenpox after infection, so most only catch it once.

NHS & Private Flu Jabs

Protect yourself and your loved ones this winter season by getting the flu jab. We offer the NHS and private flu jab service.

Sexual Health Clinic

We offer sexual health clinic services in Brighton and Hove. We offer a number of services, both NHS and private.

C-Cards for free condoms

You can get your C-Card for free condoms from our pharmacy if you are under 25 in Brighton and Hove.

Repeat Dispensing

Repeat dispensing allows prescribers to issue a batch of prescription for a medication which needs to be taken by the patient regularly.

Supervised Consumption

We offer supervised consumption service at our pharmacy. Ask a member of our pharmacy team to find out more.